Prepare to be whisked away on an extraordinary voyage that transcends the boundaries of possibility, leaving you spellbound and empowered. Brace yourself for a transformative cannabis adventure like no other, where each step you take opens doors to new realms of self-discovery and enchantment. Unleash your senses, ignite your imagination, and prepare to witness the unfolding of a remarkable journey that will forever change the way you perceive the world of cannabis. Your destiny beckons, and the path to an unforgettable experience awaits your arrival. Embrace the magic and let your cannabis adventure begin!


THC, also known as delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, holds the key to unlocking the mind-blowing “high” that sends your senses soaring. But wait, there’s more! Introducing CBD, the non-intoxicating wonder that holds the power to unleash a multitude of therapeutic benefits. Brace yourself as we unravel the enchanting interplay between THC and CBD in different strains, revealing their mesmerizing potency and mind-altering effects. Prepare to be amazed by the remarkable secrets hidden within these extraordinary compounds!

High THC Varieties:

  • Strains with high THC content are renowned for their potent psychoactive effects.

  • Depending on individual tolerance levels, they have the potential to evoke sensations of euphoria, creativity, relaxation, or in some cases, anxiety.

  • These strains are frequently sought after by recreational users seeking a profound and immersive experience.

  • It is important to note that high THC strains may not be suitable for everyone, as they carry the risk of adverse effects such as paranoia or elevated heart rate.

High CBG Varieties:

  • Strains with high amounts of CBG provide you with upscaled focus with copious amounts of anti-inflammatory edge shaving relief

  • Sativa varients with higher amounts of CBG have shown to reduce the well known “anxiety” or “paranoia” effects while offering the ability to be more active.

  • Indica or leaning hybrid strains with higher CBG tend to offer more of a pain releiving experience due to the combination of terpenes, while not heavily sedative this combination will tend to be more relaxing for your nerves.

Photo brought to you by House of Cultivar (Wedding Cake x Headwaters Sour D)

High CBD Varieties:

  • High CBD strains are characterized by their lower THC levels and higher concentrations of CBD.

  • They are frequently favored by medical users who seek alleviation from pain, inflammation, anxiety, or seizures.

  • Compared to high THC strains, high CBD strains typically induce more subtle psychoactive effects and can really be felt through out the body more as if CBD was a transit system for THC.

  • These strains offer a gentler experience while still offering potential therapeutic advantages.

High CBN Varieties:

  • High amounts of CBN dictates fuller maturity within flower, meaning the higher the amount of CBN the longer the plant was left to flower as a trichomes maturity shifts from clear to milky white (peak potency) it begins to transform THC into a different cannabinoid, CBN, this will turn your trichomes a more amber color.

  • Sleepy. It is important to know that strains with higher CBN content will cause you to be sleepier/more sedated.

  • Strains with higher amounts of CBN can also offer closely relative anti-inflammatory effects to that of CBG, but be careful to only use when you aren’t trying to focus as the drowsyness could be unwanted.